Hello I’m back but I’m merely a shell
Since I last saw you I’ve been through hell,
Now that I’m here please give me some space
Don’t talk behind my back but straight to my face.
Look into my eyes see the terrible pain
And remember someday you could feel the same,
Please be patient I need plenty of time
You see I’m still hurting and not at my prime.
My hands will shake and the tears will fall
I really don’t want to be here at all,
My heart is broken I’m cold right through
Please don’t leave me I need someone to talk to.
Don’t be embarrassed don’t shy away
It will be easier when we get passed today,
Don’t give me a job where I’ll be all alone
I need to be with people not a no go zone.
I’m terribly angry I just want to scream
If only this were just a bad dream,
I really can’t cope I’ll never get through
Please be kind and show me what to do.
Don’t tell me “life goes on” because mines at an end
Just give me a hug and say you’ll be my friend,
Don’t box me in corners and cause me more stress
Yes your right I didn’t iron my dress.
I don’t care how I look it’s enough that I’m here
Don’t tell me I’ve lost weight thats quite clear,
I don’t need building up I don’t want a tonic pill
Don’t ask are you better I haven’t been ill.
I see no future don’t ask me to plan
It’s very hard knowing your son wont be a man,
Please be sincere your kindness not hollow
Then maybe I’ll have the strength to come back tomorrow.
Author: Ruth Davis
Music: www.bensound.com
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